What is

How can Group Communications as a Service help my business?

GCaaS provides businesses with cutting-edge, business-critical instant communication and productivity tools on a subscription basis. This service engages your workforce, safeguards your team from risks and increases their effectiveness and productivity.

Our GCaaS app can be downloaded to any iOS or Android device such as a users existing mobile phone, or to a range of devices that address the varying needs of your deskless workers; which we can provide.

Empowering the deskless workforce

For too long, the needs of deskless workers have been overlooked. It’s time for a shift in focus. We’re here to not only change the game in Unified Communications but to finally complete this space.

Our mission? To connect, protect, and inform the deskless worker with an all-in-one solution. We’re not just supporting the deskless workforce - we’re spearheading the Deskless Digital Transformation movement

With GCaaS, all features and benefits can be used and managed from one application, including

  • Instant Push to Talk (PTT) and Push to Video (PTV)

  • Secure instant messaging and chat with rich media

  • Safe and Lone worker tools

  • Task management

  • Routine and guard patrols

  • Geofencing and location aware alerting

  • SOS, Emergency and incident reporting and management

  • Body Worn Video

  • Device management system

Additionally, utilising our platform enables us to govern, manage and control certain or all non-GCaaS applications based on your specific requirements.

Everything you need on one device
Who uses GCaaS?

GCaaS is a comprehensive solution for businesses who need open communication, enhanced productivity, and work safety.

It has already been deployed in a wide range of industries, providing an effective unified communication solution

Instant comms tools

Empower deskless workers to instantly communicate and collaborate with the rest of your workforce, resulting in a better more connected team

Lone worker- British Standard (BS)

Fully compliant BS lone worker solution with multiple event-based alarm triggers, ensuring swift accurate response to any situation your staff find themselves in

At last, one device that can be used for all
of the deskless workers needs

Task and workforce management

Track, trace, and manage tasks ensuring operational efficiency


Know when and where an emergency is occurring via indoor and outdoor localisation, Geofencing and Point of Interest (POI)

Bring your own device

Gain easy access on the move with bring your own device or select a specialised device to fit your requirements. Supported by Android and iOS

Integration capabilities with other key applications

Leverage our open API approach, integrating your key applications to enhance overall governance and control

Body worn camera

Protect the people within your workforce and record key evidence

Elevate your
situational awareness

Emergency and incident management

Drive a proactive approach to risk management and ensure the safety of your team